organizing your honolulu airport transfers

Organizing Your Honolulu Airport Transfers

When you come to visit Hawaii, you will already know that it is a relatively small island, packed with high quality hotels and tourist spots. Hawaii is so popular that there are many places to stay right across the island, but it still only has one truly major airport, which is intended to meet the needs of all of the hotels currently operating on the island. This means that many tourists arrive in Honolulu at some distance from their hotel, and need to organize Honolulu airport transfers to ensure that they get to their destination safely.

Getting From the Airport to Your Hotel

The first task when you arrive in the airport is to ensure that you have your entire luggage, but finding a service to take you to your hotel should also be a very high priority. The best way to manage the transfer from airport to hotel is to hire a shuttle bus. This service will carry you and your family from Honolulu airport to the other side of the island, or any other tourist destination that you may have as your base for the holiday. Organizing the shuttle bus is the certain way to get to your destination quickly and efficiently, and saves having to wait in the airport for transport to arrive.

organizing your honolulu airport transfers

The Most Efficient Service

When you notice that your hotel is some distance from the airport, you may have to calculate the best way to get to your destination. You may consider hiring a rental car for the holiday, but this can be very expensive, and you bear all of the risk for any accidents that may occur while you are driving on the island. You may also look at public services, such as buses and taxis which operate from the airport. Be prepared to wait a long time if you opt for either of these choices, as these are the least methods of getting out of Honolulu airport. Instead, you should choose the most efficient service, which is a private shuttle bus.

Get Ready To Arrive

As a private service working from the airport, we know how busy it can be when our customers arrive. Therefore, we recommend that you organize any Honolulu airport transfers before you arrive in the country. If you are planning to make use of Go Waikiki Shuttle, then you will need to book ahead of time to secure the services. You can contact us by calling (808)797-7950, or by sending us an online message today.

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Go Waikiki Shuttle